Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Loss of a pet

We had to have our new little kitty cat put to sleep yesterday. I was pretty much a complete disaster about it. I've never seen such a sweet little cat in all of my life... and I've had lots of cats! He was not looking so good for a couple days and had no energy, so I took him to the vet on Saturday and was told that he has heart problems. He looked so pitiful and miserable... not fair to a little kitty to have him live like that and no telling how long he would last. It breaks my heart because he and Cash had become such great friends and I didn't know how I would explain things to Cash. I decided to be honest with Cash and told him that the kitty got really sick and passed away and now he is in heaven with Jesus. Cash said, "Now I just have one cat, Willie" and hasn't asked about Flash since. So I think he somewhat understands that Flash isn't coming back. It still just breaks my heart.


  1. Awww, I'm so sorry friendy. The worst thing about being a pet owner is losing them. I love you and I'll call you later.

  2. So sorry for you...I think it is devastating to have to put them to sleep and then to tell your children makes that even harder!
