What a wonderful day we had! It was a much needed, leisurely family day. We finally took Cash to the McWane Science Center and we saw an "Underwater" Imax movie. Cash LOVES fish, sharks, turtles, and for anything to "make a splash" as he says. It was really neat to watch in the Imax dome... you feel like you're swimming with the sea creatures... I think that's as close to scuba diving as I'll ever get. I was getting a little dizzy at first and thought it might be too realistic for me (I get motion sickness... bad!), but I got used to it. Halfway through the film Cash asked, "How come it's not over yet?" Which is code for "I'm over this and ready to leave." But he stuck it out and said he liked it. I left my camera in the car, so I didn't get any pictures of him playing with the fun stuff in the science center, but here are a few pics from his birthday dinner at my house instead (I've been meaning to post them!). We obviously had a lot of fun! Craziness and silliness begins to unravel when you get my family together. Tiffany found a bag of balloons and a pump and voila - we had balloon art. Then the clone trooper helmet was unwrapped and the party really began (see grandpa getting beat up)!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wild Weekend
Cashiman turned 3 this weekend! We had dinner with my family on Saturday night and his birthday party at Pump it up on Sunday. After his birthday party on Sunday we had Jeri's birthday dinner at Stix with Jay's family and then I was off to a lingerie party for my friend, Leanne! What a wild weekend!
Cash's Birthday was a Peter Pan Pajama Jammy Jam and he LOVED his Peter Pan costume. All of his guests wore their pajamas and they all looked adorable! I especially like how Cash requested that everything be green. Green cupcakes, a green cake, green balloons with green ribbon... so particular! Everything looked precious and the kids had a great time.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday Funny!
Cash and I were at the park and I told him that he could slide one more time because momma has to pee pee really bad. After much discussion, he agrees. I get him in the car and take off... here is how the conversation in the car went:
C: Do you got pants?
M: What are you talking about?
C: Pants that go on your legs.
M: Pants for you? Do you need pants?
C: No, pants for you... in case you pee in your pants.
I laughed so hard, I nearly did pee in my pants!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love kids!
C: Do you got pants?
M: What are you talking about?
C: Pants that go on your legs.
M: Pants for you? Do you need pants?
C: No, pants for you... in case you pee in your pants.
I laughed so hard, I nearly did pee in my pants!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love kids!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Aubrey & Tiff
Jay terrorizes the Easter Bunny
Sweet Family Pic
He got the golden egg! Over $7 in change!
The kids meet the Easter Bunny
Cash & Aubrey meet Cali, Ranger's new sister
This past weekend was Easter at our house with my family and Jay's family. The Easter Bunny paid us a visit, which was lots of fun! The kids thought it was the greatest and they all had their picture made with him while on their Easter egg hunt in our backyard. This weekend is Cash's birthday and a party with my girlfriends Sunday night. I can't believe my little boy is about to be 3!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My sweet boy
When I was putting Cash to bed tonight he grabbed my neck and hugged me and said, "You're my very best friend. I love you really much. You're the best momma in the whole wide world." Isn't that what it's all about?! Makes me want to keep him this age forever. I don't want him to ever not think those things. What a sweet little boy!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Mr. Personality
All dressed up for show night. We saw a Cirque show - Mystery
Exploring Vegas
Somehow I was tricked into riding this tricycle around and "deliver candy" to Cash and Grandma! Then Cash was the Candy Man.
We went to Grandma's house for a few days during Spring Break. Cash LOVES fishing in the swimming pool!

Cash loves to shave... just like his Poppa!
Cash's cousins came to watch him on his big night!
Cash's spring performance at school. He did SO GOOD singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee, and Deep and Wide. What a ham!!! Of course, I couldn't have been more proud.
My little Peter Pan. We literally play Peter Pan at least 3 times a day. I have to be Captain Hook and he is ALWAYS Peter Pan with his hat, his knife, and his belt.
Cash helping Poppa hammer in the electrical boxes.
Cash put on his tool belt and got ready to work with Poppa in the basement.
Yes, that is Cash and me... on a camel!!!! We went to the zoo and he wanted to ride the camel, so we rode the camel. I am forced into being more adventurous now that I have a little boy.
"Bob the Builder" - and I was instructed to call him "Bob." And I was told that he would call me "Truck" and I had to help him fix things.
Well, as you can see there is never a dull moment with my little ray of sunshine around. I haven't updated my blog in over a month, so I thought that I'd just do a few pics to highlight what's been going on. Jay and I had a fabulous time in Vegas. It just flew by... why does vacation seem so short? But we were happy to get home to our little man. We celebrated Jay's Birthday on February 26th. In March, I took Cash to the zoo with Tiffany, Jeremy and Aubrey, and Cash had his Spring Performance at school... and CASH IS POTTY TRAINED!!! He just decided to do it on Jay's birthday and hasn't looked back. To say I'm excited is an understatement. I'm so thrilled and so proud of him. It's just so crazy that he is a big boy now... nothing baby about him! He will be 3 on April 18th and I just can't believe it. He will be having a Peter Pan Party (of course) at Pump it up and he is pumped :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sick Again
We were awoken to the smell of diarrhea on Sunday morning, then there was the vomit, and soon came the fever. Our poor little Cashiman was struck again with some kind of nasty virus. And, I was to be a hostess at my friend Laura Leigh's baby shower... what is it with viruses striking when I am hosting baby showers??? Well, needless to say, I missed my sweet friends shower and was at home with my sick little boy. All he wanted was his momma... and I didn't need to go infect my pregnant friend. We are still at home trying to get rid of this fever. If it's not gone tomorrow we are headed to the doctor. At least he got sick BEFORE we went out of town... I would be so sad if he was sick and I wasn't with him.
On a lighter note... Cash is turning more and more into a little boy every day. His new thing is for me to call him "whatever he is doing - man." For instance, if he is at bat while we are playing baseball, I am to call him "the batter man." Today, he was pushing his little lawn mower and I was intructed to refer to him as "lawn mower man." Then he tells me to ask him, "What are you doing lawn mower man?" So I do, and then says, "I'm just mowing the lawn." I think it's absolutely hysterical.
We leave for Vegas in less than 48 hours and I am so ready to go spend some quality time with my hubby!!!
On a lighter note... Cash is turning more and more into a little boy every day. His new thing is for me to call him "whatever he is doing - man." For instance, if he is at bat while we are playing baseball, I am to call him "the batter man." Today, he was pushing his little lawn mower and I was intructed to refer to him as "lawn mower man." Then he tells me to ask him, "What are you doing lawn mower man?" So I do, and then says, "I'm just mowing the lawn." I think it's absolutely hysterical.
We leave for Vegas in less than 48 hours and I am so ready to go spend some quality time with my hubby!!!
25 Random Things About Me
I was tagged on Facebook to do this and saw that Bre posted hers on her blog, so I decided to copy her :)
25 Random Things About Me:
1. I've often questioned why I've been so blessed in life, while others have endured such hardship.
2. I love that just thinking about my husband makes me smile.
3. I workout at least 3 times a week so that I can eat what I want without feeling guilty because I LOVE FOOD! I still sometimes feel guilty.
4. I never saw myself as being a stay-at-home mom, but I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this point in life... they're only little once.
5. I used to think that stay-at-home moms didn't work, but quickly learned that they actually NEVER STOP working.
6. I love that Cash calls Jay and me "Poppa" and "Momma."
7. I have the most amazing, selfless parents and think that their special relationship with each of their 4 kids is incredible and rare. I hope to have that with my children.
8. I have the best and truest girlfriends in the world.
9. I was a picky eater as a child so I never paid attention when my mom cooked and now I wish I had. I wish I could throw a meal together with whatever is in the kitchen like she can. I'm working on it!
10. I love the Lord and wish we made it to church more often... working on that too!
11. I used to make fun of my mom for crying at movies or tv shows... now that's me.
12. I love being pregnant and can't wait to give Cash a little brother or sister.
13. I am an Aveda snob and am completely obsessed with all of their hair products.
14. The longer I live in Alabama, the longer I take to complete a sentence... my southern draw has become apparent.
15. I still feel like I'm 18 sometimes... and then the 18 year old cashier calls me ma'am and slaps me back into reality :)
16. I could eat pizza every day for the rest of my life and never get sick of it.
17. I like drinking red wine because 2 glasses gives me the perfect buzz.
18. I am not a morning person, but my cup of coffee with Fat-free French Vanilla International Delight creamer makes me happy and ready for my day.
19. We don't curse in our house... instead we say, "Oh Chicken!"
20. I love the fragrance of gardenias, chocolate chip cookies, and fresh laundry.
21. I am incrediby clumsy and find myself completely entertaining because of it.
22. I love how music or a scent can take you back to a special time in life and give you a warm feeling inside.
23. I deep clean my house every other Friday.
24. My girlfriends and I are already like old women and tell the same stories everytime we get together... and they still leave us bellyaching with laughter. Nobody else gets it.
25. I wish I could dance like Beyonce.
25 Random Things About Me:
1. I've often questioned why I've been so blessed in life, while others have endured such hardship.
2. I love that just thinking about my husband makes me smile.
3. I workout at least 3 times a week so that I can eat what I want without feeling guilty because I LOVE FOOD! I still sometimes feel guilty.
4. I never saw myself as being a stay-at-home mom, but I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this point in life... they're only little once.
5. I used to think that stay-at-home moms didn't work, but quickly learned that they actually NEVER STOP working.
6. I love that Cash calls Jay and me "Poppa" and "Momma."
7. I have the most amazing, selfless parents and think that their special relationship with each of their 4 kids is incredible and rare. I hope to have that with my children.
8. I have the best and truest girlfriends in the world.
9. I was a picky eater as a child so I never paid attention when my mom cooked and now I wish I had. I wish I could throw a meal together with whatever is in the kitchen like she can. I'm working on it!
10. I love the Lord and wish we made it to church more often... working on that too!
11. I used to make fun of my mom for crying at movies or tv shows... now that's me.
12. I love being pregnant and can't wait to give Cash a little brother or sister.
13. I am an Aveda snob and am completely obsessed with all of their hair products.
14. The longer I live in Alabama, the longer I take to complete a sentence... my southern draw has become apparent.
15. I still feel like I'm 18 sometimes... and then the 18 year old cashier calls me ma'am and slaps me back into reality :)
16. I could eat pizza every day for the rest of my life and never get sick of it.
17. I like drinking red wine because 2 glasses gives me the perfect buzz.
18. I am not a morning person, but my cup of coffee with Fat-free French Vanilla International Delight creamer makes me happy and ready for my day.
19. We don't curse in our house... instead we say, "Oh Chicken!"
20. I love the fragrance of gardenias, chocolate chip cookies, and fresh laundry.
21. I am incrediby clumsy and find myself completely entertaining because of it.
22. I love how music or a scent can take you back to a special time in life and give you a warm feeling inside.
23. I deep clean my house every other Friday.
24. My girlfriends and I are already like old women and tell the same stories everytime we get together... and they still leave us bellyaching with laughter. Nobody else gets it.
25. I wish I could dance like Beyonce.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Pics from the parties
We had fun at the birthday parties this past week. Here are a few pics. Spongebob visited Korbin's Birthday and Cash got his face painted and a balloon sword... he thought it was the greatest! Aubrey's birthday was postponed until Monday because she was running a fever all weekend. We were glad she was feeling better in time for her real birthday on Monday, so things worked out.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Cash had the lovely throw up virus last Saturday. And lucky for us, he had a big cup of strawberry milk before bed time. You can imagine how rancid the vomit was! We had to miss Kristin's baby shower :( But everyone knows how it is when you have kids... there's always the unexpected. Cash was so pitiful. I blew up our aerobed for him in the den and he just layed on it all day long. So sad! Well, he is better now but has a runny nose today... hopefully that won't turn into anything major.
We are looking forward to Aubrey's 3rd Birthday party this weekend! I can't believe she is turning 3 and Cash is just right behind her. Where does the time go? We have another birthday party to attend on Sunday for our friends Scott and Stephanie's little boy, Korbin, and a Superbowl party with the friendies! And Jay is off this Saturday! Woo-hoo! I'm looking forward to time with my husband and the social gatherings. I was in the house for 3 days straight last weekend, so I'm ready for a fun weekend!
Oh, and Jay and I are getting ready for our anniversary trip to VEGAS!!! We are leaving in 2 weeks and we are both so excited!!! We are going with our friends who we met on our cruise last year. They are crazy fun... just like us :) I'm sure we'll have many stories to tell...
We are looking forward to Aubrey's 3rd Birthday party this weekend! I can't believe she is turning 3 and Cash is just right behind her. Where does the time go? We have another birthday party to attend on Sunday for our friends Scott and Stephanie's little boy, Korbin, and a Superbowl party with the friendies! And Jay is off this Saturday! Woo-hoo! I'm looking forward to time with my husband and the social gatherings. I was in the house for 3 days straight last weekend, so I'm ready for a fun weekend!
Oh, and Jay and I are getting ready for our anniversary trip to VEGAS!!! We are leaving in 2 weeks and we are both so excited!!! We are going with our friends who we met on our cruise last year. They are crazy fun... just like us :) I'm sure we'll have many stories to tell...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Loss of a pet
We had to have our new little kitty cat put to sleep yesterday. I was pretty much a complete disaster about it. I've never seen such a sweet little cat in all of my life... and I've had lots of cats! He was not looking so good for a couple days and had no energy, so I took him to the vet on Saturday and was told that he has heart problems. He looked so pitiful and miserable... not fair to a little kitty to have him live like that and no telling how long he would last. It breaks my heart because he and Cash had become such great friends and I didn't know how I would explain things to Cash. I decided to be honest with Cash and told him that the kitty got really sick and passed away and now he is in heaven with Jesus. Cash said, "Now I just have one cat, Willie" and hasn't asked about Flash since. So I think he somewhat understands that Flash isn't coming back. It still just breaks my heart.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Cash's helmet
Cash loves his new helmet! He likes to wear it because it is, "Just like Caillou..." If you don't know Caillou, it's a cute cartoon about a 4 year old boy who does lots of "big boy" things and Cash learns a lot from him. Here are a couple pics of him riding his 4-wheeler. He has also finally mastered the art of riding his low-rider tricycle. He loves to ride it down the street, but I have to push him back up the street. He tells me, "I need some help. My muscles aren't working." Cutie pie!
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